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Simple and extensible hypergradient for PyTorch

What is hypergrad?

hypergrad is a PyTorch tool to approximate hypergradients easily and efficiently.

Usually, a machine learning problem we consider is something like

\[ \newcommand{\argmin}{\mathop{\rm argmin}\limits} \argmin_\theta f(\theta; \mathcal{T}), \]

where \(f\) is an objective function, \(\theta\) is parameters, and \(\mathcal{T}\) is training data. This optimization is often solved by gradient-based optimizers, such as SGD.

Practically, we also need to take hyperparameter optimization into account. That is,

\[\argmin_\phi g(\theta^\ast(\phi), \phi; \mathcal{V})\quad\text{s.t.}~\theta^\ast(\phi)\in\argmin_\theta f(\theta, \phi; \mathcal{T}),\]

where \(g\) is a validation objective, \(\phi\) is hyperparameters, \(\mathcal{V}\) is validation data. In some cases, \(\nabla_\phi g\) can be obtained, so that this hyperparameter optimization problem can also be solved in a gradient-based manner. This idea is also applicable to gradient-based meta-learning, such as MAML. So, for generality, we call \(f\) an inner objective and \(g\) an outer objective, and so on, in this repository.

The essential challenge of such nested problems is that \(\nabla_\phi g\) needs backpropagation through the inner optimization \(\argmin_\theta f(\theta, \phi; \mathcal{T})\). One way to address this is to use approximated implicit differentiation methods. hypergrad currently supports conjugate gradient-based approximation, Neumann-series approximation, and Nyström method approximation like:

from hypergrad.approx_hypergrad import nystrom

nystrom(f, g, theta, phi, rank=5, rho=0.1)

The functions in hypergrad.approx_hypergrad return approximation of \(\nabla_\phi g\). hypergrad also offers useful wrappers to make gradient-based hyperparameter optimization and meta-learning easier. See examples for working examples.


First, install torch and its accompanying torchvision appropriately. Then,

pip install hypergrad

hypergrad heavily relies on functorch, so if you are not familiar with it, please consider checking its document.


To cite this repository,

    author = {Ryuichiro Hataya},
    title = {{hypergrad}},
    url = {},
    year = {2023}

hypergrad is developed as a part of the following research projects:

    author = {Ryuichiro Hataya and Makoto Yamada},
    title = {{Nystr\"om Method for Accurate and Scalable Implicit Differentiation}},
    booktitle = {AISTATS},
    year = {2023}